Fres Fighter II Turbo - Secrets

Some silly things:
- Title screen (as shown above): With [SHIFT]+[W] the walker appears and vanishes.
- Intro: Press [B] during/after sumo gong to see the scrolling picture bigger.
- Legacy of Fres Attack: During loading this part, press following keys together: [M] [A] [N] [T] [A].
- Fast game start: Press [0] in start menu and you'll also see a nice picture of the FRES!
- Replay Intro: Press [A] at end of intro.
- Small characters during extro: Press [RETURN]+[S].
- Predator characters during extro: Press [RETURN]+[P].
Some nice things:
- Background effect cheat: Press [1]-[6] during level load to switch effects. Not all combinations are allowed.
- Screen Saver Image: Press [CLR] to start screen saver, then [0]-[9]/[A]/[B] or [C] to choose a background!
- THX Intro: Press [T] during loading Fres Fighter II Turbo.
- Switch CPU on/off during fight: Press [DEL]+[1] or [DEL]+[2] for character 1/2.
The really nice cheats:
- Nude Mode: You'll get this cheat, if you finish the game with the Shamane.
- Shadow Mode: You'll get this cheat, if you finish the game with Vanessa.
- Predator Mode: You'll get this cheat, if you finish the game with the Walker.
- Smag Mode: You'll get this cheat, if you finish the game with the Sumo.
- In Game Game 1: You'll get this cheat, if you finish the game with Bones.
- In Game Game 2: You'll get this cheat, if you finish the game with Justine.
- Finish In Game Game 1 and you'll get another nice cheat.
Okay, that's all.